In order to create an image of what LandArt is, you first need some exposure to the work and the wild concepts of a seasoned veteran in the art form. Kardo Kosta – an Argentinian national living in Biel, Switzerland – was this veteran. Kardo explained not only LandArt and its origins but also his own interpretation and influences on the subject. Visiting his studio in Biel it is clear he studies many different forms of art; however, there was always a sense that the underlying theme of nature was not far away. From intricate wood carvings used to make prints, to paintings left in the forest for several months, his studio had inspirations and objects from all over the world and through his art it painted a picture of the man that does LandArt.
While the Biel LandArt project has been running for 7 years now, Kardo’s original inspiration came from making little objects and bits of art out of things found in forests for his children when they were younger; this helped carry Kardo into the varied world of LandArt. LandArt can be anything from interpretive dance in the forest to great wooden totems, the only real rule for LandArt is use what you find (natural objects) and make art!
Kardo Costa in his kitchen (BE) 20.07.2017 , © Mike Wolff
For Kardo the key element of LandArt is the process and through this has dealt with many themes, from paths and meeting places in nature to the four seasons. Born out of his experience, he also feels that LandArt’s connection to childhood is apparent for many pursuing the art form, given the natural propensity for children to enjoy time with nature and make compositions from discarded or fallen materials they find. The broad range of what can be considered LandArt provides a very free and fluid art form that can be seen in all walks of life, from childhood as mentioned to ancient monuments such as Stonehenge.
This year’s LandArt project in Biel will bring together seventy artists from all walks of life; these artists work in the forest for the duration of project producing what they wish, while only having to adhere to this year’s theme of MYTHOS (and, of course, the ‘use what you find’ mentality!). The variety of artists is an important aspect to consider, given that LandArt happens all over the world and can’t be captured though one style, culture or medium, as exemplified by Myriam Kachour’s quote “Creation isn’t a cultural origin, but a human origin”